How To Set Up Google Ananlytics For Blogger Blog

Google Analytics (GA) is the best website traffic analyzing tool from Google. Not like other traffic tracking tools, Google Analytics provides you comprehensive traffic reports and also gives you the ability of experiments and holding the goals, which many other web traffic monitoring tools don’t provide. The coolest thing is like other Google services you can use Google Analytics free for your every blog or website.

When today there are more than 100 millions of webmasters which use the Google Analytics services for monitoring their traffic, checking conversations, real time visitors, organic keywords, referrals, mobile traffic, page speeds and much more. As a user of Google Analytics, you will be received tons of features, which other traffic analyzing tools don’t provide free.

In a past article, on online traffic monitoring services, I explained you why you should use any traffic analyzing tool as a webmaster or blogger. It is the fundamental activity which you should do right after opening your website to the people. If there are more than 684 million sites in the world, some of website owners don’t use Google Analytics. I don’t know why they don’t use Google Analytics. Sometimes they might not know what Google Analytics is. So if you’re one of those webmasters still, you will not list in that list anymore after following this tutorial. So keep reading this tutorial thoroughly.

In this tutorial, you will learn,

  • How to set up Google Analytics account
  • How to install Google Analytics on Blogger (Tracking Blogspot blog)
  • How to stop Google analytics from tracking your own page views

How to create your Google Analytics account

The benefits of having a Google account are precious. Google Analytics is another service from Google. So you don’t have to create another account for GA. If you’re a Blogger user, you can sign up for Google Analytics service using your existing Google account. If you don’t have a Google account yet, you can create a Google account free from this link.

1: After you have a Google account, go to Google Analytics.
2: Now sign in with your Google or Gmail account and click on Access Google Analytics button.

3: Click on “Sign up” button in the right corner on the next page.

4: Once you click on the Sign up button, you will redirect to next page there you have to select a tracking method and setting up your account by filling the necessary details. The new tracking method of Google Analytics is “Universal Analytics”. You can see the features which offer to you rather than classic analytics. Choose universal analytics option as the tracking method.

Account Settings - Google Analytics
Click on Image to Enlarge

The next thing is to do on this page is the setting up your Google Analytics account. So fill out the necessary details- Account name (Your Blog name or organization name) and website details which you want to track and last set the data sharing settings.

5: Once you fill the details correctly, click on “Get tracking ID" button.

6: Then read the Google Analytics service agreement in your country/religion and after click on the "I accept" button.

7: If everything is fine, you will see the “Success” message on the top of the window and on the next page, you can see the tracking info of your website. In this page you’ll see a tracking ID similar to UA-47707219-1. Copy that ID, because we want this id later.

You are almost done creating a Google Analytics and set up your website to track. The next thing to do is install the Google analytics code on your blog. Follow the steps as your blogging platform.

Installing Google Analytics on BlogSpot

This is a two step process. First, you have to mention the web property ID to Blogger and then import it to your Blogger template. If you could directly add the Google Analytics tracking code to your blogger template, you can follow this method to speed up the page loading time.

Adding Google Analytics ID to your blog

1: Sign in to your Blogger account and navigate to the settings page of your blog, which you want to track. Then go to Other → Google Analytics.

2: Paste the UA number in the Google Analytics web property ID text box.

Google Analytics in Blogger

3: Click on the Save button.

Importing Google Analytics tracking code into Blogger Template

You can do this by adding a small piece of code to your template. The following code will import your Google Analytics tracking code into every page.

<b:include name='google-analytics' data='blog'/>

If you’re using a latest layout or Dynamic views template from Blogger template designer gallery, you can skip this step, because it already has the above code built-in. incase if your template don’t this code have installed (Mostly in the third party templates) so you have to add it to your template manually. Here’s how;

1: Go to template → Edit HTML.

2: Now find </body> HTML tag using the Ctrl + F (PC) or Command + F (Mac) keyboard shortcuts.

3: Insert the above tracking code just before of tag (if the code isn’t already there)

4: Save your Template

That’s alright. Wait 24 hours and go to Google Analytics. You will be able to see your blog traffic stats!
