Make Money Online with

Making money online is no longer a new story. Making money online is as possible as .......

There are different websites and ways you can make money online. Underlisted is one of the ways you can make a living online..... OLX

OLX is a website that is created mainly for the purpose of connecting sellers and buyers of certain product or services.

OLX has made it easier for individuals, corporate bodies, jobsites and other corporations to advertise their goods and services to large audience of individuals who require these goods and services.

All that the buyer needs to do when he/she sees the goods or service suitable to his needs is to contact the seller by phone to know how he or she could get the product.

As a seller you can log on to to register .

After registration you would need to wait for confirmation for about 30 minutes. When your registration has been confirmed you will receive message like you can now move forward to advertise your product by firstly uploading a picture of the product. You can do this by selecting the photo from your phone or  computer system.

After uploading the picture you can now move to the next step which involves writing a description about your product or service.

During registration you would be required to put in your phone number (business or private number). You would also be required to put the price of the product you want to sell and the area of Nigeria in which the product is available . Happy Selling........


  1. Thank you for visiting Hameed and thanks for the positive comment. Please feelfree to subscribe to our daily box by using the

  2. I can see that olx is not existing again in Nigeria. Check this new olx Nigeria classified


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