How To Block A Connection/Member From Linkedin

In today's tutorial, I will be teaching you on how to blog a friend or to-be friend on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with about 300 million+ members, where you can manage your professional identity, build and engage with your professional network, access knowledge, insights and opportunities. 

If you have being on LinkedIn for a while and you have friends who pester you and you would like to block them, then you can actually do that on LinkedIn now.

LinkedIn has introduced the member blocking feature to enable its members remove unwanted friends who are of no benefit or are just there to stalk you.

LinkedIn has introduced the member blocking feature to enable its members remove unwanted friends who are of no benefit or are just there to stalk on you. Without wasting much of your time, let us go straight to the business of the day... so how do you block a friend or connection from your LinkedIn profile?


1. Log in to Your LinkedIn Profile

2. Click on the Person's Profile You Wish to Block as Shown Below

3. Click on the Drop Down Arrow, Close to "Send Name InMail" As Shown above

4. You Would See a Drop Down List of Actions You Could Carry Out

5. Click on "Block or Report" as Shown in  the Picture Above

6. A Window will Pop-Up and Then You'll See Something Like the Picture Below

7. Check the Box Which Says "Block (Person's Name) so that: "as Shown in the Picture Below

8.  Click on "Continue"

9. You Will be Taken to Another Pop-Up, then Click On "Agree"

That's all

Note that when you block a person from you linkedin profile, the person won't be able to do the following:

1. The person won't be notified that you blocked him/her

2. The person won't be able to view your profile

3. You also won't be able to view the person's profile

4. You both won't be able to send each other messages.

I hope this post helps?

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In my next post I will be teaching you "How to  Unblock a Member/Connection From LinkedIn"

Thank you for visiting!
