Available: Order For Kia Motors on Konga.com Today

Have you heard your dream car is actually now just a few clicks away. Yes, South Korean car dealer Kia Motors now have a store on Konga where brand new Kia cars are sold. They can be bought by just placing your order like you would any other order on Konga.com.

Whether it’s the Kia Rio, Cerato, Sportage or even Picanto, it is available right here on Konga.com. What’s great about this is that the Pay on Delivery option also applies to Kia Motors as well. You also have the option of going to pick up the car yourself or having it delivered right to your doorstep.

Click HERE to see the Kia options available and their prices. This is another first by Konga.com
Keep your eyes on the Kia cars for possible exciting deals because with Konga.com, expect the best. Place your orders for your Kia cars now! Everything you need…is found on Konga.

Do not forget to share this post with a friend. Inform a friend today and shop with ease!!!
