How to Download/Convert YouTube Mp4 Videos to Audio Mp3

Although there are many YouTube to audio converter online. But today I am going to be sharing just one Video to Audio converter I use. 

I am a frequent user of YouTube as well as many people online. It may be that you love an inspirational quote, creative quote or a motivational message you desire to always listen to. With this YouTube to MP3 Audio Converter, you will be able to convert your desired video to a very good audio quality. 

The YouTube Video to MP3 Audio Converter I will be introducing to you is known as Y2META.COM.



1. Go to The image below should be what will come up.

2. Enter the YouTube video link you wish to download in the Search box
(a.) Here is how to copy the YouTube Video Link

i. Copy the URL from the URL Locator that looks like this

ii. Then paste the YouTube video link in the search box in It will then bring the details like this one below.

iii. Make sure you click on Audio tab in No. 2 as seen in the image above.

iv. Then Click on the Download box, depending on the size and quality you want to download. You Video file should now be converted to Audio.


1. You can also desires=d to copy your YouTube link by click on the SHARE button. (As seen in the image below in No. 2)

2. The image the will pop up should look like the one below. Then Click on COPY on the right hand side of the link. It will then copy automatically. 

3. Paste the link in the Box in It should load automatically.

4. Then Select Audio and Click on Download.

Hope this helps. Kindly click on the share button to share post with friends and families.

Also let me know your thoughts on how you feel about this post. 

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